Maintenance Mode is a new mode of operation introduced with Release 11.5.10!!!!!!!! |
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 |
Maintenance Mode is a new mode of operation introduced with Release 11.5.10, in which the Oracle Applications system is made accessible only for patching activities not allowing the users to login to any responsibility. This provides optimal performance for auto patch sessions, and minimizes downtime needed.
We can make the maintenance mode enable or disable either by using Ad utility (adadmin) or OAM(oracle applications Manager)
steps for enabling and disabling maintenance mode (adadmin)
1)Run the consolidated contextname.env file which is available in $APPL_TOP/ usually file name is like APPS.env Context name= SID_
2)start adadmin answer the subsequent prompts you can get the main menu of the adadmin utility select 5) change maintenance mode afterthat you will get another menu select 1)enable maintenance mode 3)When you Enable or Disable 'Maintenance Mode', adadmin will execute the script: $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/adsetmmd.sql sending the parameter 'ENABLE' or 'DISABLE' :
4)Even you can enable the maintenance mode by calling the scripts in sql prompt sqlplus /@adsetmmd.sql ENABLE | DISABLE
5)When adsetmmd.sql runs, it sets the Profile Option 'Applications Maintenance Mode' (APPS_MAINTENANCE_MODE) to 'MAINT' to Enable 'Maintenance Mode' and to 'NORMAL' to Disable it.
After the auto patch process we have to disable the maintenance mode by using adadmin
How we know that maintenance mode is enabled ?
We can find out whether maintenance mode is enabled or not by executing the simple query
sqlplus apps/apps SQL> select fnd_profile.value('APPS_MAINTENANCE_MODE') from dual;
If the query returns MAINT then maintenance mode is enabled . If the query returns NORMAL then maintenance mode is disabled
Maintenance Mode is only needed for AutoPatch Sessions. Other AD utilities do not require Mainten |
posted by Jaswinder Singh @ 8:02 PM |
Thanks a lot for your compilment.
Thanks. Very thorough and helpful, keep up the good work!
Thanks Rob for your valuable compliment.
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very nice presentation