Automatically deleting _pages !!!!! |
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 |
1. Take the backup of adapcctl.sh file located in $COMMON_TOP/admin/SID_HOSTNAME 2. Make following changes in adapcctl.sh for automatically deleting _pages whenever we shutdown the apache. 3. Implement this before exit_code if [[ "$control_code" = "stop" ]] ; then DIR=`grep _pages $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/etc/zone.properties|grep -v "^#"|awk -F"="'{print $5}'` if [[ -d $DIR ]]; then echo $DIR mv $DIR ${DIR}_`date +%F_%H_%M` fi fi 4. If you have worked in 11i, you might have done many times, clearing the caches by running rm -rf $COMMON_TOP/_pages/* 5. But in R12 if you do that, your login page will not come up, You will see blank screen.Why? In R12, on the fly compilation of JSP's are disabled. 6. In R12, by default, s_jsp_main_mode is set justrun Instead of recompile (which is 11i setting) in $CONEXT_FILE which will be propagated to oacore config file $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/application-deployments/oacore/html/orion-web.xml 7. When main_mode = justrun the OC4J container running the OACoreGroup is told that no compilation on the fly is allowed and only (pre)compiled classes are picked up. Since this requires less checks to be done the performance is improved. Therefore is this the recommended setting for a Production environment where JSP's will only be replaced occasionally. 8. compilation of Jsp's can be done by,$FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ojspCompile.pl --compile --quiet |
posted by Jaswinder Singh @ 6:11 AM |
How to change the GUEST password !!!!! |
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 |
1. As the Applications Unix user, login to middleTier. 2. Take Cold backup of prod instance including Applications file system 3. Backup the Context file.Use the AutoConfig editor to change the context value for the guest password AutoConfig variable name is "s_guest_pass" 4. Run AutoConfig 5. Verify the new guest password as follows: select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('GUEST','') from dual; Result of this above script should return 'Y' 6. Change the guest password used for diagnostics as follows: a)Login to applications as SYSADMIN user and choose "CRM HTML Administration" responsibility. (If you don't see this responsibility, it may be end dated for SYSADMIN user.) b)Click the "Settings" tab c)Click the "System" sub-tab d)Click the "Advanced" under "Properties" on the menu e)Choose "JTF" as the view for the "Advanced - Properties" page that is displayed f)Find the properties for guest_username and guest_password and ensure that the values of these properties are valid. guest_username should be a user that has no sensitive responsibilities, and guest_password should be the correct password for that user. g)Find the properties for PREFETCH.USERNAME and PREFETCH.PASSWORD and ensure that the values of these properties are valid. PREFETCH.USERNAME should be SYSADMIN, and PREFETCH.PASSWORD should be the correct SYSADMIN password. h)Restart iAS |
posted by Jaswinder Singh @ 6:15 AM |