Localization patching !!!!! |
Saturday, May 30, 2009 |
Patch installation instructions for applying discrete or OPM patches:
1. Unzip the patch to temporary directory. 2. cd 3. There will be a patch application driver .drv 4) Please apply the patch using the patching tool "indpatch"(this is utlity is provided by the patch application tool provided through patch 6059025)
Apply the patches in the following way:
For Discrete Patches: ---------------------- $ perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl .. (On Unix)
For OPM Patches : ----------------- $ perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatchopm.pl .. (On Unix)
Arguments would be the below: ---------------------------------------
fnd_patchset, drvr_file, appspwd, japwd, mode, logfile, test, paramfile, systempwd, glocpwd
drvr_file : Name of the driver file, usually .drv. No default provided. Mandatory.
fnd_patchset :The patchset level of FND on the environment. This information is required for successful application of ldt files in the patchset. Values can be between the range [A-Z]. No default provided, Mandatory.
appspwd : Password of APPS schema. Default value is "apps".
japwd - Password of JA schema. Default value is "ja".
mode - any combination of letters "F", "C" and "D". Give "F", if the node is Forms Server node, "C", if the node is concurrent processing node and "D", if Database node. Default is "FCD", meaning a single node instance.
logfile - Name of the logfile to which the log messages will be written. Default is $JA_TOP/$APPLLOG//.log
test - Y/N, "N" being the default. If test="Y", then the patch is not actually applied, but only the versions of objects are displayed on screen, listing what objects will be applied and what will not be. paramfile - Instead of the above, just one single parameter file can be given as an argument, in which all the above parameters can be stored. systempwd - Password of SYSTEM schema. Default value is "manager".
glocpwd - Password of gloc schema. Default value is "gloc". (This is used ONLY with OPM Patch Application tool ( indpatchopm.pl ))
How to compile the invalid objects: --------------------------------------------
Compiling invalid Discrete India Localization objects ----------------------------------------------------- Invalid India Localization Discrete objects can be compiled using the following command: perl compile_il_apps_obj.pl appspwd=
Compiling invalid OPM India Localization objects ----------------------------------------------------- The respective OPM patchset has the invalid compilation script.
NOTE : Please DO NOT use "perl compile_il_apps_obj.pl appspwd=" for OPM invalid objects. This compiles and reports ONLY Discrete invalid objects.
Note: Most of the Localization patches has the below prereqs
1) 60105D2 + ST (4239736) + VAT (4245089) 2) 60106 + ST (4239736) + VAT (4245089)
These below patches are included in the cumulative patch 5498551(i.e. 60107).
Patch 5498551(i.e. 60107). Includes: ---------------------------------------------- 1. 60105D2 2. 4239736 3. 4245089 4. 60106
If patch 5498551 is applied then this means the patch set level is at 60107.
Reference Notes: Note.376756.1 (USAGE OF INDIA LOCALIZATION PATCH TOOL) Note.382830.1 (How to apply India Localization Cumulative Patch set IN60107) |
posted by Jaswinder Singh @ 1:48 AM |